Data Science
Forecasting Stock and Commodity Prices
Analysing Wine Types and Quality
Build your own image recognition model with TensorFlow
Customer Segmentation and Effective Cross Selling
Predict fraud with data visualization & predictive modelling
Analysing Movie Reviews Sentiment
Analysing Music Trends and Recommendations
Spam Detection
Build your own Recommendation System
Build your own Python predictive modelling, regression analysis & machine learning Model
Football Players (Estimating Population Mean from a Sample)
Election Polling (Estimating Population Proportion from a Sample)
A Medical Study (Hypothesis Test for the Population Mean)Employee Behavior (Hypothesis Test for the Population Proportion)
A/B Testing (Comparing the means of two populations
Customer Analysis (Comparing the proportions of 2 populations)
Predictive medicine: prognosis and diagnostic accuracy
Virtual assistance for patients and customer support
Creation of drugs - allows choosing, which experiments should be done and incorporates all the new information in a continuous learning loop
Clustering algorithms for customer segmentation
Discovering similarities across my Spotify music using data, clustering and visualization
An End-to-End Project on Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Python
Using LSTMs to forecast time-series
Evolution of a salesman: A complete genetic algorithm tutorial for Python
A Machine Learning Approach — Building a Hotel Recommendation Engine
How To Create Data Products That Are Magical Using Sequence-to-Sequence Models
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